One really cool element of Prague is the massive diversity of industry that exists within this beautiful city. Prague serves the Czech Republic as its center of government, industry, and tourism. By virtue of this, there are a wide variety of jobs and ways to earn money in this city. Being an English speaker only adds a massive advantage to your resume due to the presence of many international corporations! Prague boasts a booming job market where the need far outweighs the current workforce supply. 

This benefits you as a worker since Prague has hundreds of companies with dozens of positions that need to be filled asap. For a lot of these companies, this also means that it is a relatively fast process from interview to your first day on the job. You can research these jobs on certain webpages like or where they post hundreds of jobs a day from many companies you may have already heard of (Johnson & Johnson, Lego, Amazon, Accenture, DHL, FedEx, etc…).

English teaching jobs

When it comes to the market for English teachers, there are currently over 60 language schools operating in Prague alone. Coupled with dozens of private early education institutions and over 100 public schools ranging from elementary, middle, and high school; Prague is a hot market for English teachers. The worry here is not as much finding work and pay, but maximizing your time to make it the most profitable for you.

Work as an independent contractor

If you wish to flex your entrepreneurial muscles, it is very easy to work as an independent contractor. In fact, a lot of the language schools prefer you work as a contractor which gives you the ability to work for multiple schools and build the ideal schedule that suits your work needs and personal life as well. If you are an independent contractor, you are responsible for your own monthly taxes, however, you have a much larger range for earning potential. Most first-time English teachers come to Prague and begin as contractors because it not only allows you to move freely between companies with fewer contractual regulations, it also allows you to maximize your full earning potential using your own creative abilities and skills you bring to the Czech Republic beyond just being an English teacher. For example, if you have a background in Marketing AND have a TEFL certificate, you can charge more on a personal basis to work with large corporations by developing marketing strategies and also working as an English teacher at the same time. Prague is a very accessible market that will always compensate for someone who has multiple talents and a TEFL certificate is essentially the ticket in the door to a lot of these major companies. If you have a very strong sense of business and appreciate the hustle, Prague will definitely offer up a very lucrative lifestyle and allow you to build your skillset and climb the ladder relatively quickly.

Making the jump to Prague is the hardest part

Whether you are looking for a relaxing lifestyle that incorporates travel, leisure, and downtime or you are a workhorse who is looking to turn your business ideas into a powerhouse, Prague is an ideal city for both of these pursuits. This city is littered with success stories amongst the expat circles and most individuals are more than willing to offer advice, support, or even strategy for your success in the Czech Republic as well. It starts with the first step to making the jump to Prague and starting the journey. To many success stories in and around the city, that was the hardest part.